With Easter coming up this week I have been reading through the accounts
in the gospels of what Jesus went through leading up to the crucifixion.  All of the pain and suffering that he
endured for sinners like you and me. 
It made me stop and think that often times as Christians we lose sight of
just how much was sacrificed for us. 
We have heard the story so many times and know it so well that we almost
become numb to what actually happened. 
So I believe if we truly examine the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ it
will be a humbling experience that has the power to change the way we live our
Christian lives forever.  If you
are reading this and are not yet a Christian I want you to understand that Jesus
endured all of this for YOU, yes you, so that one day you could spend eternity
with him in Heaven. 

Jesus, the Son of God, came to this Earth and lived a perfect
life not even sinning once.  But he
was sent by his Father for a reason. 
That reason was to save the souls of men, and to be the propitiation for
their sins.  When the hour came for
him to be offered up Jesus prayed to the Father “If it be possible let this cup
pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Matthew 26:39.  Jesus submitted unto the Father because
he knew that there was not any other way because he was THE WAY. 
John 14:6 I am THE WAY, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father but by ME. Jesus was aware
of the trials he was going to face, but he was sent to do the will of the Father
and to demonstrate the love of God to you and me. 
As Jesus was arrested and came before the council they bare false witness
against him, mocked him, spit in his face, and then crowded around him and began
to strike him with the palms of their hands.  Then Jesus was sent before Pilate and
he gave him over to the soldiers. 
They took Jesus and put a robe upon him and pounded a crown of thorns
into his head.  The soldiers once
again began to mock him and spit on him. 
They removed his robe and beat him with a cat of nine tails that tore the
very flesh off of his back.  Then
he was lead up to a place called Golgotha where he was nailed to a cross and
hung there and died.  Jesus went
through all of these physical sufferings but do you know that there was
something that he had to bear that was even worse. Isaiah 53:6 says, “And the
Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”  As Jesus was dying on the cross every
sin that you and I will ever commit was laid upon him. 
He had to bear the burden, the grief, and the sorrow of all of our sin at
one time.  Jesus was innocent he
did not deserve to die, but he went through all of that suffering for you and

Isaiah 53:5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions, he
was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and
with his stripes we are healed. 
Jesus went through all of this suffering so that he could pay the price
for our sins. Through his shed
blood we can receive forgiveness and eternal life, but we must accept his gift
to receive it. If you’ve never
asked Jesus into your heart and to forgive you of your sin and become your
personal savior I can think of no better time than Easter. 
Because although Jesus was crucified he rose from the dead on the third
day and he is alive today. 

As Christians my prayer is that our eyes would be opened to
exactly how much it cost for us to receive salvation. 
We are truly bought with a price and I hope that we do not take that for
granted.  God held nothing back he
gave it all for us.  We are forever
indebted to Jesus Christ for the price that he paid, and we ought to give him
everything we have.  Every day when
we wake up we should remember just how much it cost for us to be Children of God
and live with a purpose because of that. 
“For whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” Luke
12:48.  We have been given so much
that we are unworthy of, it is only right for us to do our part to fulfill God’s

Amazed by his Love,


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